

19 / Female / Muncie, IN, United States


Hello everyone! My name is Angelic Rose (yes, I'm being serious. My dad was a hippie). I'd like to think of myself to be a lot cooler and funnier than I actually am. I'm mostly a lurker, but I love to make new friends from everywhere and all walks of life because people are cool and people do really cool things and we should totally talk about these cool things because that type of stuff is really cool. Let's totally be friends and stuff!!

What I'm doing with my life
I am currently a sophomore at Ball State University studying Film productions. What would I like to do with my life? I am so lame that I would love to make documentaries for the rest of my life. Truly about anything. I am also in the Ball State Marching band, I play tenor sax. I am also involved in the service sorority, ESA. My true passion above everything that I do is Roller Derby. I am currently trying out to be a part of the Cornfed Derby Dames located in Muncie, Indiana. So thats pretty much all that is interesting about me.
Favouritest of all the things
I love movies and music. It is what makes me happy. My favorite types of movies are documentaries and stop motion films. Music? Any type of hipster shit you can find. If you have any suggestions for good music, LET ME KNOW =D I'll try to share in return
My darkest secret
As a woman, I love to do drag. I am currently involved in a Rocky Horror Picture Show Shadow Cast as none other than Dr. Frank N Furter himself.
  • Single
  • University

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