

18 / Male / Muncie, IN, United States

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Hiya, friends. I'm an eighteen year old student at Ball State University. I'll throw on the rest of info pertaining to that in the other section. I'm obsessed with Harry Potter, I like things like science and acting(not very complimentary, I know), and much of my time is spent partying(which really just means spending time on Imgur and Netflix).

What I'm doing with my life
My life is heading towards eight years of college, double majoring in Acting and Pre-Pharmacy. In my little spare time, I chill. With friends is nice. With Netflix is just as good.
Favouritest of all the things
This shall be a list: Harry Potter, Imgur, Eragon, Netflix, vidya games, board games, card games, music, etc.
My darkest secret
That, my friends, is something you'll have to work for, day and night, until I trust you enough with such sensitive information.
  • Single
  • Secondary / High school

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