

20 / Female


A lot of people say I have a resting bitch face but I swear I'm a nice person no matter how snarky I come across. I am currently in a love triangle with pizza and netflix, still a better love story than twilight though amirite? I need more nerds in my life.

What I'm doing with my life
Still in college studying Physio/Neuroscience. planning on going to law school
Favouritest of all the things
Game of thrones obviously, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Lord of the Rings, Peep Show, Big fat quiz of the year, The Room (the worst/best movie of all time), MST3K, really weird youtube videos like too many cooks and japanese spiderman, I love alt/indie music, and like all normal people I love dogs.
My darkest secret
I let the dogs out
  • Single
  • College

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