

19 / Male / Czech Republic


20y old student from Czech Republic. I love my two cats. I love my fantasy books, because they are taking me to the worlds far far away whenever I read them. I love almost every kind of music except some rap and metal music. One of my most favourite artists I´ve been listening to lately are Ben Howard and Damien Rice. Their songs are just brilliant and I can´t stop listening them.
I also love movies, nothing special. I love good comedies - Love Actually is pretty good, I like thrillers and science-fiction movies.
I want to be a writer, teacher of literature or something like that. :)

What I'm doing with my life
That´s something I want to know.
Favouritest of all the things
A Song of Ice and Fire, Lord of the Rings, Hozier, Ben Howard, Damien Rice, Daft Punk, Perdido Street station, Doctor Who etc..
My darkest secret
I am secretly a cat and I am preparing the cats in homes across the whole world ato our big victory.
  • Single
  • Secondary / High school

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