

^.^ MEOW!

22 / Female / Kansas City, KS, United States

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I'm kind of a big deal! I'm a dreamer & a fantasizer.. but I have a huge grip on reality. I have a strong heart & for a girl let alone a person of my age, I have a very level head on my shoulders. I know what I want out of life & I know exactly how I am going to achieve all of that. With everything I've dealt with in my life so far & have to face & deal with now, it's forced me to grow up a lot.

I'm a lot more mature than others and I don't act like a child in rough situations, I don't spread drama like a disease, I can hang out with people 20 years older than me and have the time of my life but I'm also not a total bore. I know when it's time to have fun & act like a kid.

I'm a crazy person who is full of life, I have a lot to say about everything & anything. I'm probably the most simple, nicest, and most caring person you could ever meet in your lifetime who isn't a total doormat. I laugh a lot & smile easily & I have my flaws. I don't take **** from people because life is way too short to be walked upon the assholes of society.

A lot of people I know don't understand me regardless of how long they've known me for. They don't take me as seriously & think I'm just a big joke. Therefore I choose who I get really close to & who I need to start backing away from. I don't get along with a lot of girls because most of them don't know the qualifications of a friend. I do however have the girls in my life that I couldn't live without.. Guys are another story.. they're great to hang with & fun to party with & amazing to have a million laughs with. Unfortunately when it comes to a relationship, they have no clue what the hell they're doing, BUT, let me put that in the past... I have my opinion on the whole being in love thing & I choose to keep that private for many reasons.

Everything happens for a reason & everything is fate when it comes to that. But anyways... Don't TRY to impress me. Be yourself. Don't be fake. I hate fake people, you know the kind that go through friends like underwear & those who like to flash people with their possessions. Yea it's cool that you have nice things but you don't need to be all up in my mouth about it. All that will get you is a smack in the face. I love people who aren't afraid to be themselves, who don't care what others think & aren't afraid to bend the rules a little bit. Independent & has a good idea of what they want out of life & won't sit back & wait for it to be handed to them. People who aren't afraid to grow up a little bit. I love that.

I love dancing around for hours even if there is no music. I love being with my friends, cinematic adventures. The beach is the best place on earth-LOVE THE SUMMER!.I love life even though sometimes it brings me down, but in the end I know I'll look back and think everything was worth it. I take risks because life itself is a risk. I dye my hair too much. I like needles for some reason. I always have a million things on my mind all at once yet I still remain calm. you'll never know how I really feel until I tell you unless you're just one of those lucky people who WELL.. just knows by lookin at me.

I don't hold grudges because it's a waste of time & energy. I'm ready for my life to begin & it's beginning. I have people in my life that I absolutely COULD NOT live without... and they know who they are, if they don't than I need to have a lil chat with them =] I want a lot of things out of life & I'm working for it but I'm still having my fun & maybe one day I'll get to share all of that with somebody. But I'm not worried about it, because this is me right here. I'm an amazing person & I'm awesome to be around & I'm not afraid to admit that ha :P. I just want to be happy & to hardly ever have to worry about things. SOOOO.. that's what I'm doing. Well im gonna wrap this **** I think i've pretty much covered everything!

What I'm doing with my life
I currently work as a nursing assistant full time and going to school full time to become a nurse. I work hard for everything I have and everything I want. I love to bake and decorate yummy treats! when ever Im not doing any of those fun things I am most likely making music or playing video games on steam or my xbone!
Favouritest of all the things
movie: UP
show: game of thrones
video game: HALO
and Destiny
music: pop or alt rock
food : Hot wings and french fries w/ranch
animal: CATS
musician :Ed Sheeran
My darkest secret
wouldn't' t you like to know :P
  • Single
  • College

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