

21 / Female / San Diego, CA, United States


The only reason I don't have 20 cats right now is because my housemate is deathly allergic to them and it's a bit too early to embrace the role of crazy cat lady just yet.

What I'm doing with my life
Currently a senior in university so I'm neck deep in crushing debt and working as a lab tech which means I wash a lot of dishes for minimum wage. Aiming to be a clinical lab scientist in the future so I can test pee for drugs. I make valid life decisions.
Favouritest of all the things
Cats, all things Disney except for Country Bear Jamboree because wow creepy, rocking chairs, hgtv because I have an unhealthy love for home makeovers, burritos, boba, and I collect cards.
My darkest secret
I was helping a friend count out k'nex pieces into a bunch of little baggies for her outreach program and I think there might be a bag with one less piece. Sorry kids.

Also, I never read all the Harry Potter books. Shh.
  • Single
  • University

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