

24 / Female / Douglas, GA, United States


Single mother of 2 toddlers, not a lot of time to socialize but would like to talk to real, adult people once in a while. Plus I love imgurians, so why not?

What I'm doing with my life
I'm a junior at a university, trying to get my bachelor's online. After 4 years of a horrible relationship, I'm trying to make a fresh life and find some new people to talk to. Deleted all other social media, changed phone number, isolated myself, focusing on my kids. Here's hoping everything will turn around...
Favouritest of all the things
MMM... My two sons (obviously)... Food, of the chocolate variety... Britcoms... Anime.... FINAL FANTASY (7 & 8, mostly) Sailor Moon (from my childhood), daydreaming, SLEEP (a precious commodity these days, more precious than gold), cats, dogs, hamsters, fish, going outside (occasionally), reading (when I have the time), getting good grades (it's depressing but it is the best feeling in the world these days), IMGUR (duh), netflix... Etc etc etc...
My darkest secret
iamarobot doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • College

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