

The Outgoing Introvert

33 / Male / Chattanooga, TN, United States


Hi all, I'm Collin. I have a lot of acquaintances and a few close friends. I have a balanced life, though. I work. I play. I attend church. I learn ravenously. I spend entirely too much time on the internet, like a lot of people in my generation, especially those of us without family responsibilities. I also recently graduated (again), so there's that. Plus, more than anything, I enjoy being around people despite being rather introverted (a cruel twist, I know). I'm very approachable, I have a unique blend of humor, and I'm humble and unpretentious. I've been accused of being perhaps even over-confident.

I began life in California, but subsequently spent many formative years in Central Alabama. Talk about culture shock. I will gleefully wax on for hours (semi-eloquently) but as a graduate student, I've mellowed a bit. I embrace many Libertarian ideals, and spend a great deal of time pretending to philosophize about economics, sociology, business, spirituality, and the purpose of life. I'm known for challenging my own ideas and sharing those of others, and often punt to Charles Handy or shamelessly mutilate a dubiously attributable quote. I sometimes listen to NPR, insisting that I'm not a closet liberal but simply a reflective nostalgic of radio shows such as This American Life or A Prairie Home Companion.

What I'm doing with my life
I reside in Chattanooga, TN, where I've most recently finished my MBA. I insistently peddle a renewed faith in the economic future of my beloved city and the Tennessee Valley. I have a strong career background. I've most recently taught in the School of Business and Management at my alma mater before accepting a position out of state.
Favouritest of all the things
On weekends, I can be found proselytizing my many hobbies, such as science and technology, weather, aviation, being a shameless vegetarian foodie, hiking, anything related to automobiles, mountain biking, regional travel, or simply trolling about on social media. I'm best contacted on Facebook or via Imgur.
My darkest secret
I repurpose old stuff and tinker around, and now I've taken to building my very own tiny little steampunk-style working models of equipment based on tech found in video games (such as Bioshock, and other series). It's not something I admit to very many people IRL, because I'm quite sure they'd smile and nod and then giggle incessantly about my weird geeky hobby later.
  • Single
  • Masters

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