

I am amazed at this world, and I never want to not feel that way.
Devin Willie

25 / Male / Cedar City, UT 84720, United States

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My name is Devin. I'm in love with my life. Sometimes it just about breaks me, and other times I feel like I'll never understand just how happy I am. More than anything I want to be able to experience the world fully, and hopefully, eventually, with someone I love. My role model in love is Lloyd Dobler from Say Anything.

What I'm doing with my life
I'm about to finish my Bachelor's in English Education, then I'll do an internship or student teaching and teach abroad. Then it's off to a Master's program and eventually to get a Doctorate so I can teach literature. I plan on using most of my money to invest so I can travel whenever I want and buy a piece of property, either in the mountains of Northern Utah or on the Oregon Coast.
Favouritest of all the things
-Motorcycles. I have one, and it keeps me sane.
-Old school punk, indie music, T Swift, and an absolute ton of other music.
-Working on cars.
-The outdoors. Utah is out of control awesome for that.
-Reading (obviously).
-Pop culture.
My darkest secret
Ha. You'll have to ask.
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