

19 / Female / NV, United States


Well howdy! I'm in school right now, kind of bored of the community around me, so I guess that's justifying me making this account. I'd like to think I'm pretty interesting and can carry conversations well. I'm pretty friendly...unless I happen to not like you...then I'm not. I was born in Tacoma, WA but spent my upbringing in New Jersey; how I got here I have no idea but I definitely plan on moving on with my life soon. I own an old cat, and I swear like a sailor (or worse). I'm tired of typing so I'm just going to leave this about me unfinished for now.

What I'm doing with my life
Going to school, playing video games. I'm an adult that hasn't quite left Neverland yet. Ok, scratch that, I'm just not really interested in handling adult responsibilities for the most part. However, I am motivated enough to move out, so that's what I would like to do, move out within the next 2 years or so.
Favouritest of all the things
I love eating @_@ enough said. I also love running, distance runs are my thing.

I also love reading, I have a number of books that I favor, but if you'd like to know we can talk about it~!

I am also a HUMONGOUS video game fan and lover. I play casual games from LoL or Sims to CS:GO or Arma (which is my current obsession at the moment. My favorite vidya all time is The Walking Dead Season 1 and 2. I also really love The Wolf Among Us. Tell Tale know how to destroy me I swear.
My darkest secret
Catrude doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • Single
  • College

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