Aye, I'm Nick uhm yeah these about me things Welp i like anime, cartoons, interweb things, i watch a lot of movies my preference is comedy or zombie movies I really like to draw like its one of my favorite things to do but I'm not the best at it, its just fun And fishing even though i don't really fish i just tell jokes and make people laugh that I'm fishing with Ya i like to laugh well everyone likes to laugh so that doesn't really make me special but id like to think I'm funny...sometimes.... I joined the Navy and been in for like 4 months or so Uhhhh yeah i don't know what else to put so heres a joke
2 whales walk into a bar. First whale says: ooooEEEEEEEEaaaayyyyyuuuuuuaaaaaa eeeeooOOOOYAIIIAIIIEYOOOooooooo Second whale says: Shut up Steve, you're drunk