

19 / Female / Bradenton, FL, United States


Hey everyone! I'm Erin I'm 19 and currently living in Bradenton, Florida. I'm in my second year of community college and trying to get a degree in the arts.I'm a pretty quiet girl. I tend to be a very shy when you first get to know me, but as I get to know you better I will open up more. I'm short, like 5' short. I'm here mostly to try and get out there and find people that are similar to me and would want to hang out. I wouldn't mind learning a few new things, as well as sharing some stuff of my own. Uhhhh.... that's it! :D

What I'm doing with my life
Just trying not to keel over. I'm doing the 2 years in community college and then transfer over to a normal university tract to make it easier on myself. I plan on doing something in the arts. I was thinking graphic design, but not sure any more. I've got time, right?
Favouritest of all the things
-Video Games
-Reading, LOTS of Reading
-did i mention food?
My darkest secret
I have not touched a single butt :(
  • Single
  • College

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