

Paladin in the streets, barbarian in the sheets

21 / Omnipotent Being / Milton, Vermont, United States


I enjoy long hours of doing absolutely nothing, reading, listening to video game soundtracks, being outdoors, playing D&D, writing, and playing RPGs. I recently grew a sweet mustache (or so I'm told) and I have an unhealthy addiction to staying up way too late doing work and sleeping in until noon.

What I'm doing with my life
I am a 20-year-old student at Johnson State College, earning my EDP in Interdisciplinary Studies to prepare me for entering the military after graduation!
Favouritest of all the things
Pizza, Game of Thrones, Skyrim, Baldur's Gate II, fresh apple cider, the many smells of woodworking, oldies music, and horror films!
My darkest secret
I'm not going to tell you my darkest secret.
  • College

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