


21 / Female / Chicago, IL, United States


I always struggle with "about me"s, so I'll just make a list. I like lists.

21, female, fashion design major, biracial (black & white), Chicagoan, TV show collector, book worm, professional eater, avid Snapchatter, girly drink lover, over-user of exclamation marks, occasional potty mouth, dog person, winter person, person person, and list maker. And an imgur addict, of course.

What I'm doing with my life
Currently selling my soul and free time as a fashion design major at the University of Cincinnati and missing Chicago with all my heart. Watching Netflix when I'm lazy and embarrassing myself at a Zumba class for "exercise". I am that drunk girl who can be heard shouting "I just wanna dance!".
Favouritest of all the things
Fantasy novels, horror movies, being outside, coffee, crazy flavored vodka, pasta, holding hands, lingerie, guys with beards
My darkest secret
I actually like Jar Jar Binks and I used to be a TwiHard.
  • Single
  • Secondary / High school

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