

25 / Male / Chicago, IL, United States


Hey my name is Joe and I'm a student at DePaul University in beautiful Chicago, Illinois. I've experienced my fair share of neat adventures so far in life and am looking for my partner in crime. I'm currently finishing up school with a degree in International Studies and a plan in... oh sorry no I don't have a plan yet for after school. I'm a huge outdoors person, I love to backpack, mountaineer, rock climb, kayak, etc. and when the weather gets nice I hope to do a lot of those things when I get the time.

I'm also a pretty big music fanatic, I absolutely love going to concerts in the city, just recently I saw Dr. Dog in uptown and it was a pretty sweet performance. I also enjoy a good TV show and/or movie and as such spend a decent amount of time during the weekends watching Netflix. So if you're in the city or close by and have a car (I don't have one so getting out of the city is pretty difficult) hit me up if you wanna do something, I'm open to new things as well!

P.S. I put down with men and women because I'm down to meet new guy friends, but I romantically I'm just looking for women.

What I'm doing with my life
Full time student at DePaul. Also a pretty active biker, an rock climber along with just being a fellow adventurer.
Favouritest of all the things
BandMeetingMurrayPresent has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
I can't whistle, and have never been a big fan of Friends, The Big Bang Theory, or Dr. Who.
  • Single
  • College

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