

19 / Female / St. Louis, MO, United States


Just your typical Acting major living in Chi-town.

Fan of ANY movie (literally any, except for The Tree of Life. Like no.), Lost, Sherlock, Downton Abbey, GoT, Mad Men, House of Cards, Star Trek, The Twilight Zone (Just the 60's version), and Breaking Bad. Favorite movie is currently The WInd Rises (but that's bound to change).

I love exploring, love world culture, love music (mostly alternative, but I'm up for anything), love reading (especially plays).

Originally from StL. Cardinal Nation.

yep. that's about it.

What I'm doing with my life
whereareyougoingwherehaveyoubeen apparently isn't doing anything with their life, that's unfortunate.
Favouritest of all the things
whereareyougoingwherehaveyoubeen has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
whereareyougoingwherehaveyoubeen doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)

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