

Because Yes

19 / Male / 97-25 78th Street, Ozone Park, NY, United States


I don't know what to say, but here goes. I am a nineteen year old college student from New York City that's just kind of looking around to see what is. I like telling stories, so ask me who Krey is! Ask me why Caiaphas isn't ok. Ask me who the hell Caiaphas is! I just wanna tell the stories, yo.

What I'm doing with my life
I'm looking for a job while at the same time trying to get a degree in jazz performance. I am kind of trying to figure out what the flapjack I'm going to do with my life. all I really know is that I am going to be playing trumpet at the end of this weird transition period of confusion that I've been in for a while.
Favouritest of all the things
Doctor Who
Supernatural(It's like this weird guilty pleasure that's kinda normal)
My darkest secret
Shit's going down, like always. There's a lot of butts
  • College

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