

I wonder what the character limit on the tagline is... Can't be THAT long c

18 / Male / 3010 Wirth Avenue, Louisville, KY, United States


I am terribly indecisive, so I just checked everything. Besides cats. I don't like cats.

The picture is a little old, but that's me. Born and raised in Texas, but currently in Louisville. Attending Centre College next year. I play football, too. I love sports: football, basketball, baseball, anything. I'm a huge TCU fan, so if anyone wants to talk about them, I'm in. If anyone can figure out how to PM me, you can do that, too.

(Don't criticize me, I have no clue how to write one of these)

Also: snapchat at DangerZoneh, but tell me who you are first, and I'll snap back.

What I'm doing with my life
Oh please don't ask me this. I have no damn clue. I'm going to college if that helps.
Favouritest of all the things
DangerZoneh has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
DangerZoneh doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • Single
  • College

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This will update slightly - ish every 30minutes. What is this?

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