21 / Male / Aarhus, Danmark


FOR SALE: Human specimen, twenty-one years of age. Comes equipped with: 1 functioning brain (factory installed), 1 Sarcasm!22 humour. Answers to the name "Thomas".
Acquire for price!

Random things about me:

- I hope to move to Canada, Norway, Ireland and/or Scotland at some point.
- I prefer Balkan and Middle Eastern music over most Western music.
- I'm pretty good at forecasting the weather by eye.
- I genuinely like math and science.
- I enjoy cooking.
- I dislike mornings, love late nights.
- I want to learn three languages: Dutch, Latin and Arabic.
- Drinking makes me speak Scottish.

Anyway, I think I'll save the rest for later!

Send me a message, there's a good chance I'll reply :)

What I'm doing with my life
Strolling through life in my own pace, thoroughly enjoying most of it. I've put my studies on standby; instead I'm getting to grips with "real life". Will be working towards an apartment and decent savings - won't continue studying till I've established myself...
Favouritest of all the things
Hiking; driving with the radio on; family and friends; helping others; cold winters; coffee ad libitum; doing whatever makes you happy; staying positive in even the most negative circumstances; more coffee; other people.
My darkest secret
Bah, not going to reveal that here, haha!
  • Single
  • Secondary / High school

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