

Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back.
Ellie Williams

Female / Camden, New South Wales, Australia


Teenager that's into gaming and engineering. hoping to become an air cadet when recruiting starts in February at my local air base. I like drawing and most things to do with computers and pulling things apart and making other things. I also happen to like writing things in binary for people who aren't lazy to translate. Oh, I also like motorsport in practice rather than theory (for those who dont understand, it means i like to go zoom zoom in fast machines :D )

Also very competitive, DO NOT CHALLENGE! unlessyoulikebeingbeatenhuehuehue

What I'm doing with my life
I intend on going to Uni and study some form of Engineering or programming. Or maybe art. or music. i dunno, whatever i'm best at when i get to make the call
Favouritest of all the things
Tea - Earl grey - hot, sweet and strong. just like my men.
Oh, I like the cold too. Fuck summer.
oh oh, and Ice skating. love that shit.
My darkest secret
I use Tumblr on a daily basis.
  • Secondary / High school

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