

30 / Female / Roper, North Carolina, United States


I was born on a hillside in Sri Lanka and raised by elephants. I am responsible for butterflies. I am the 1,000th customer. I am a master craftsman. I consult to the worlds foremost brain surgeons. I capture gibbons. I have received offers from the NFL. I have stock options. Children do not cry when I am near. I am a ruthless art critic. I can build a functional hydrofoil using only chewing gum and half-smoked cigars. I type 350 words a minute. I am the foremost authority on German transportation systems and the mating habits of the gnu. Physics does not apply to me. I am 13 feet tall. If I concentrate, I can change the size of my thumbs. I eat once every two months. I am under constant surveillance by my cats who I occasionally elude by transforming myself into 3 small Vietnamese boys. The design of the Internet is based on my nervous system. I hob-nob with kings, poets, and beggars. I swim with dolphins. Einstein named his favorite pet dog after me. I am the only white woman to be allowed to dance in native rituals in a small island off the coast of New Zealand. Elvis borrows my clothing. I am revered as a god by a rare species of ants. I corrected the Da Vinci parchments. I am in charge of the weather. I have a soundtrack. I confuse magicians. I founded 2 countries in Europe. I scored the winning goal in the World Cup. I am the queen of many towns and villages. Occasionally, I teach insects how to write their name. I am the subject of numerous urban myths. I design trees. Clockmakers envy my talents. I dominate the full-contact origami circles. I once captured a bear and taught him to read Braille. On Sundays, I redesign the Louvre. I hold the world record for the javelin toss. I created four languages in a single day and still had time to remaster the entire works of Mozart. I use different vowels. My remarkable ability to emulate the writing of the great philosophers has won me 4 Nobel prizes and 2 Oscars. Mosquitoes fear me.

What I'm doing with my life
usernamenotrelevant apparently isn't doing anything with their life, that's unfortunate.
Favouritest of all the things
usernamenotrelevant has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
usernamenotrelevant doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)

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