

22 / Female / Sunnyvale, CA, United States


These "about me" things are always so difficult. How am I supposed to get you to like me in 4000 characters or less? Hmmm I guess I could start off with an awesome dad joke.... What do you call a hooker who gets paid in spaghetti??

A pastatute.

Bam. Instant friends for sure.

Here are the first five things 'about me' off the top of me head:
1. I am currently cuddling my mac because it got too warm for my lap.
2. My favorite book as of late is Foundation by Isaac Asimov.
3. When I'm doing clandestine dealings, I got a preference for things going smooth.
4. When driving, I like to listen to audiobooks.
5. I eat mac n' cheese with ketchup. Don't knock it til you try it. It's the best food.

What I'm doing with my life
Recent graduate of UCSD, currently funemployed.
Favouritest of all the things
My darkest secret
Why would I reveal something like this here?

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