

Why not?

21 / Male / 6527 Glenn Lakes Drive, Houston, TX, United States


I'm an odd duck who makes movies for a living, loves to cook and bake, and loves goof conversation.

I used to play video games A LOT. I don't typically anymore, but I have been getting in some more shooter time lately. Gotta remind those n00bs who's boss, right?

I believe that confidence is the key to everything, and when I want something, I go get it. Most of the time. Sometimes. That being said, my own worst enemy is myself D:

I love conversation. I like to think I'm a quick wit, but that's not the only reason I like talking to people so much. I really, really like learning more about people. People are fascinating. I suppose to this end I'm a pretty good listener.

I'm a connoisseur of food (you can tell, right?), but not a snob. I like to cook food myself, and I love trying new things. Life is about adventure, you know?

I'm really terrible at filling out profile page information.

I want to meet new people, so you should message me. Or friend me. Facebook me? I'm not that hard to find anywhere.


What I'm doing with my life
I'm a freelance videographer and filmmaker, making my way in the world. I really want to move away from Texas.

I work out every day. I've been pretty big for a long time, and now I have the means to really do something about it. I'm gonna be so sexy. Well, sexier. I'm already smokin' hot ;).
Favouritest of all the things
Liam Neeson as a cat.

Video games:
Assassins Creed
(I know I probably shouldn't, but they're just so good)
Elder Scrolls
(Been playing since Redgaurd, baby)
Mass Effect
(Not the MMO)
(Name a game)
Space Engineers
Diablo I + II

So, so many. I can't name them all. I think I like every movie.

See "Movies"
My darkest secret
I have the ability to smell danger... If there's a fire.
  • Seeing Someone
  • University

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