

I have no idea what i'm doing.


I grew up in South America, originally from Russia, so i have these weird identity issues when it comes to where do i belong? Who the heck am I? And all that jazz. 
I love languages, reading, watching stuff (i'm a pain in the ass to watch movies/tv with, because i always try to figure out where i've seen that one actor/actress, and i need to figure it out before anything) and am currently at loss about what to study or if to study at all.

What I'm doing with my life
I just moved to the area and now live with my husband and our evil evil dog satan.
Favouritest of all the things
Chocolate, Mint Tea, a recently made bed, the days when my skin decides to go easy on me, and pizza.
My darkest secret
I have horrible molars.
  • Married
  • College

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