

"Why do things never go smooth?"

25 / Female / Portland, OR, United States


Jamethiel has mastered the ability to block deadly radiation and deflect them in a field around herself. She likewise is able to become gigantic and she developed the talent to cause her enemies to become homeless. Jamethiel has learned to take control of heat and bend it to her will and she has the power to change shape into a dwarf. Also, she has been known to make frogs appear from nowhere and she has a reputation for a marvelous skill at forgery. Sadly, Jamethiel becomes horribly disfigured in the presence of shadow.

Combining horses, a Wild Rumpus, single motherhood, and a dream of a raggedy man to join me in making all this work.

Or a demon hunter, angel, Captain, Last Centurion, vampire slayer, Companion, wizard, or boffin consulting detective.

What I'm doing with my life
Typical boring day job. Lots of Netflix. Training for my first half marathon. Keeping up a blog, working on a novel. Endurance riding when I can feed the habit, jogging with the foster dogs & kid when I can't.
Favouritest of all the things
Horses. Hard physical labor. The Netflix. My golden son.
My darkest secret
Sherlock, Watson, Mycroft, Adler, Doctor, Captain!
  • Single
  • College

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