

Pizza and Jackie Chan films make up a decent % of my life. I regret nothing

23 / Female


I am an American transplant living across the pond in the UK. I'm a history nerd and I love sci-fi everything. I hate these boxes. Two sentences and I'm already thinking "what else do I put? Do I tell people I live to bake? Do I make a stupid reference no one will get to a movie that was never very popular? Do I bring up the fact that I have a Stargate tattoo?

How about I just say hi and we take it from there.

::just avert you eyes, the internet will take your stare as a challenge to its dominance. Back away slowly::

What I'm doing with my life
I'm currently mortgaging my soul to the US government in the hope that I can buy it back after I finish grad school. My life is a balance of work, study right now with short breaks for travel and entertainment.

I wasn't kidding about the pizza and Jackie Chan films, though.
Favouritest of all the things
Pie. Sci-fi anything. Reading. Singing. Painting. Travelling. Being on the water at the tail end of a storm when everything is choppy and swirled with gray. Eating tomatoes right off the vine. The guitar bridge from the Steve Miller Band's The Joker. Ron Swanson. Waking up and realizing you have nowhere to be and rolling over to go back to sleep. Tiny versions of things.
My darkest secret
Dark secrets should only come out after at least 4 months of a relationship or 4 shots of hard liquor. This is neither of those situations.
  • University

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