

23 / Male / Newton Falls, OH, United States


What's up? I'm Marcus. I'm tall, I play bass, and I'm a Mixed Martial Artist

What I'm doing with my life
Working, Training in MMA, and playing (american) football at the semi-professional level
Favouritest of all the things
Food: Anything spicy
Drink: Dr. Pepper
Alcoholic Drink: UV Blue and Pineapple Juice

Music Artist: Rise Against, but I like almost all music

Movie: Boondock saints, Warrior, Star Wars, Inception

TV Show: Mythbusters, House, Sportscenter

Color: Red

What am I forgetting?
My darkest secret
I'm not saying I'm Batman, but nobody has ever seen me and Batman in the same room at the same time.
  • Single
  • College

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