

17 / Female / London, ON, Canada


I'm fun and outgoing, mature for my age, extremely confident and expressive, and some say I'm pretty funny. I'm always told that my energy brightens up whatever room I'm in. I'm hardly ever a Negative Nancy or Debbie Downer. I'm super comfortable and happy with how I look and feel. I've also been told that I'm "refreshingly honest".

A big thing for me is reminding people that they are appreciated and loved. I like to recognize and thank people for the little things they do.

I love singing and dancing, they're the best medicine! I mostly do that stuff alone, it can get embarrassing.

I don't watch much TV or movies, however my favourite TV show is Big Brother. I usually only see movies if I actually go to the theater, or if I'm with people and they want to put a movie on. I would rather spend my time reading, hanging out with friends, listening to music, shopping, going on Imgur, or going for a walk.

In a friendship or relationship, I'm attracted to a person who is a go-getter, who makes healthy choices, who likes to try new things, and who loves to have fun and laugh. I'm very adventurous, so I believe that the best way to get to know someone is by going out and doing new things together, as opposed to staying in!

I'm not big on the party scene and I don't drink or smoke. I enjoy hanging out in small groups or one on one. It feels more personal and less hectic.

That pretty much sums up who I am and what I stand for. If anyone's interested, message me, I'd love to talk!

What I'm doing with my life
I'm in grade 12 currently and looking at going to university in Waterloo. I don't have a specific career in mind, however I am interested in doing something with linguistics, language teaching, speech communications, anything along those lines. My goals for school are to just expand my horizons, learn as much as possible, challenge myself, and discover my potential. I work part time as well. While the cash-flow is nice, I like to save my money for travelling.
Favouritest of all the things
I love school, it's a huge part of my life. My passion is the French language. I love travelling and discovering new places. My favourite things to do with friends are going out for coffee, and going for drives around the city. Stargazing is fun too! My favourite thing to do on my own is "blackout" poetry. :)
My darkest secret
Iced coffee with no ice is my guilty pleasure.
  • Single
  • Secondary / High school

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