

classy yet sassy

20 / Female / Wrocław, Polska

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Well, I just am. I don't have to talk about my awesomeness to let everybody know how awesome I am, and make them wonder why they are not........Okay, let me just say something\/
*I love movies, I can talk about them for days, especially about
-LOTR trilogy;
- BTTF trilogy
-Nolan's Batman trilogy
-Star Wars  (and SWTOR the game ^^)
-oh, I've almost forgot about SUPERHERO MOVIES! Yikes (or maybe I just like superhero abs, well...)
more, more and more...

*I also love TV series:
-Game of Thrones (I did read the books)
-Doctor Who
-Parks&Rec (thanks to imgur)
-FIREFLY! (thanks for the reminder)
-House MD
-HIMYM (I think series finale was legendary)
and.. i'm gonna end right here, cause there is too much of that stuff

*I love my dog Brego, I can talk about him for months
*reading, reading, reading!
*I don't know anything about music, really, I just listen to OST
*If you want to know more about me, please write. I'm not the best in 'the thing'
*Oh, and if I'm not replying, it's only beacuse phone app [is in beta/ sucks]
*Oh, I play video games too* Also, I study law, so sometimes I might be a bit raw
*And, If i seem to be mean or something, I am. But don't worry....well, ok...you should be, but it's not personal. I just forgot to take my pills.

What I'm doing with my life
The best gunslinger in the galaxy
Favouritest of all the things
My darkest secret
I don't trust potatoes.
I'm sorry, the memories are too painful...
  • Single
  • University

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