

30 / Female / United States


I'm not mad anymore. I'll type something again....

I am a pretty nice person. I like to help people and take care of people when they aren't able to care for themselves. I love animals and anything that is in its baby stage. I enjoy outdoor activities, especially swimming, and as I am getting older, I have been working to better my health and my life. I have always enjoyed eating/baking/cooking, and I have struggled with weight forever. Just this last year I have been on the downward trend of weight, and have been learning a new, healthier lifestyle. So far I am 50 lbs down, and still counting. I love learning about people, and making friends, so if you want to chat, hit me up!

What I'm doing with my life
Working to be a healthier version of me than I have ever been!
Favouritest of all the things
I love music. I couldn't live without it. I also love water, animals, cooking, and failing miserably at Pinterest crafts.
My darkest secret
I can't tell you!
  • Single
  • College

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