

26 / Female / Windsor, ON, Canada


Single, tall (one might compare me to a giraffe), grey eyes, brown hair, a couple piercings and tattoos, small feet, I would like to think I am a unicorn. While I do appreciate cute cat pictures, I am a dog person. I have bad luck with social interactions, and have a very small social circle. Within this small circle, they lack the internet skills I require. If I say "coraaalll" and no one gets it, my insides hurt. Why you no understand ALL THE JOKES!?
Lets be friends. Anyone, and everyone. While friday night online is nothing to frown upon, sometimes Id like to not be in this chair.

What I'm doing with my life
Im in school! I draw stuffs, and take photos of stuff. Second time in college.
Favouritest of all the things
I like musics: Depeche mode, vnv nation, spill canvas, nick thomas, la dispute, brand new, dance gavin dance, against me (only the old stuff), a day to remember, darren hayes, gary numan, protest the hero, modest mouse, you know...lots of stuff.
I like to draw, sketch, paint, etc.
Cuddling my puppy.
Cuddling some humans.
Chai tea.
Cat tights.
Tv shows: walking dead, shameless, supernatural, archer, dexter, adventure time, others
My darkest secret
I have said "I cant even" and meant it.
  • College

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