


18 / Male / Zemst, Belgium


I'm Nico, 18 years old and living in the magnificent country called Belgium!

I'm just living my life like a lazy ass bum; I do things that need to be done and spend the rest of my free time on gaming with my friendos and watching anime or whatever I feel like.

What I'm doing with my life
Certainly not posting on imgur :|

Well, I've been switching classes in high school: the first two years I did Latin (which I hated, but was obliged to), after that Mathematics/Science and the last two years I switched to IT. This is also where I'm at now, I'm studying IT in Brussels and I'm having the time of my life with my student club :D.
Favouritest of all the things
- The catface smiley :3 (and Pusheen)
- Pizza
- Mac 'n Cheese
- My PC (and games yay!)
- Maybe some day some grill
- Various series/films/anime
- Grammar :o
My darkest secret
I don't really like chocolate all that much, it bothers me :/
  • Secondary / High school

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