

20 / Female / Corby, United Kingdom

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Hi there!
Anything I don't answer (because I suck at these things) and you wanna know, message me and I'll surely reply!

I'm into music and drama, I play clarinet which is SOOO cool and I help teach a children's drama group. I love reading so if there's anything you think I should read then let me know because I'm in need of some new suggestions! I will read pretty much anything :D

I work full time as an admin assistant for a small creative company, and then evenings and weekends in a few different jobs in a theatre which is awesome!

I'm quite shy to start off with so I promise I'm not being rude to you haha! But when I get to know you, I'll open up :)

What I'm doing with my life
I'm working as an admin assistant right now but I am hoping to do a uni course part time and from home and hopefully become a social worker! Or something in that field, I'm not too knowledgeable about the subject yet...Gymming it up as much as I can! I'm soooo weak so I'm trying to get fit and be able to lift all the things!
Favouritest of all the things
Reading! I will read anything although right now it tends to be sort of YA. But I love crime and thrillers as well :D I have a huge list of books I have to read but I am in need to some new ideas to branch out my reading!
My darkest secret
I'm not that fond of cats...
  • Single
  • College

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