

23 / Female / United States


I am short. I like to get that out of the way first; 5 feet. I like long walks along the beach as long as I know there's a taco stand at the end. What's the point in a long walk with out tacos to celebrate after?
I like reading and writing. I am willing to try any book (doesn't mean I will finish it. Talkin to you 50 shades, you nasty piece of work.) and then scrutinize the movie made from it. Yup, I'm that type of person.
imgur's pretty cool. I'm on that site frequently, usually lurking, occasionally posting and commenting.
So yea. There ya go.

What I'm doing with my life
nooooot much. working mostly.
Favouritest of all the things
My darkest secret
Why would I tell the internet my darkest secret???
  • Single
  • College

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