


33 / Female / San Jose, CA, United States


I have wide and varied interests and experiences, chances are there is nearly always going to be something we can talk about.

The majority of my free time is spent playing various games on my computer (MMO or single player), lost on the internet, or reading.

I make road trips when the mood takes me because I have a great car to do it with and driving (outside of populated areas) is a pleasure because of it.

Occasionally I like to dress funny and pretend I'm in the Renaissance time period.

Jaws was never my thing, but I do like Star Wars.

What I'm doing with my life
Making it up as I go along, but I'm doing pretty well in general.

I have a good job in my career field (technology) and am, for the most part, content for now.

I would like to find local people to meet as I don't know a lot of people here outside of work.
Favouritest of all the things
Books, movies, games, roleplaying, comics, tasty food and beverage.

Outside of general interests, there is a select (small) group of people I enjoy spending time with. And, of course, my cat.
My darkest secret
The good ones will have to wait until we're better acquainted, but I'll say I wouldn't be terribly surprised if it turns out everyone is a character in a comic or game. Deadpool and I could go around breaking the 4th wall, good times.
  • Secondary / High school

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