

Philadelphia, PA, United States


Hi, I'm Christina. I guess I'm your typical internet "nerd," I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Firefly and what not. I also love video games and tabletop RPG's, plus occasional board games like Call of Cthulu. I enjoy baking and taking long meandering walks through cities with no real destination in mind, stopping along the way in little coffee shops to people watch or quirky stores just to browse.

I'm originally from Long Island so I travel back fairly often, and I love walking down by the water, but I hate Summer and heat and all that stuff so I generally never have a day at the beach. I'm pretty good at baking and cooking (but I enjoy baking far more.)

Um. I guess if you wanna know anything else you can send me a message. I've got some anxiety issues so I can seem cold and aloof but I'm just shy and nervous and generally a pretty nice person. :)

What I'm doing with my life
I'm a veterinary nurse but after having my daughter and moving just outside the city I started working for the same animal hospital from home auditing the medical records.
Favouritest of all the things
jedistardust has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
jedistardust doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • Married
  • University

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