

19 / Female / Mesa, AZ, United States


Mmm...about me. That is a toughy since I am just a normal person. I am a girl, or at least that is what they tell me. I have green eyes and brown hair and a bit short. I am a hopeless romantic who someday wants to find someone who will be my bread to my nutella. Which is something weird to say...
Favorite Quote: "You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful and then you actually talk to them and five minutes later they're as dull as a brick; but then there's other people. And you meet them and you think, 'Not bad, they're okay,' and when you get to know them ... their face just, sort of, becomes them, like their personality's written all over it, and they just 14 they turn into something so beautiful" -Amelia Pond (The Girl Who Waited)

What I'm doing with my life
I honestly have no idea. I want to be a teacher but I am studying to be a pharmacy technician...
Why am I even being honest on these things?
I should have just stuck with Doctor Who quotes.
"Some people live more in twenty years than eighty. It's not time that matters, it's the person" -The Doctor
There we go.
Favouritest of all the things
Doctor Who
My darkest secret
I once killed a cat by smashing its head in with a block of cement. It was dying and I had to put it out of its misery! I had nightmares for a week about it.
  • Seeing Someone
  • College

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