

19 / Female / Wisconsin, United States


Hey there! My name is Alison and I wish there was a more original way to fill out an "about me" section. How about a list?

(not in all together, that would be a bad night)
-nail polish
-Nicolas Cage
-flawed animals
-bad taxidermy
-thrift shopping
-Bo Burnham
-gages with pressed flowers in them
-Indian food
-Asian pop music
-White chocolate raspberry mochas
-being able to see my breath

I guess if you wanna know anything else, just ask. :)

What I'm doing with my life
Watching it unravel at it's seams.
Favouritest of all the things
I guess my favouritist of all the favorite things would be the fact that I live in a world where Nicolas Cage is still making movies.
My darkest secret
I let my cat bite my hands while we're playing, and my boyfriend is upset that my cat's all of a sudden started biting his hands "out of nowhere"
  • Seeing Someone
  • College

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