


21 / Male / 1200 West Marshall Street, Richmond, VA, United States


My hobby is star gazing and I love to enjoy it with people. It is actually my aspiration to become an astronomer. I do a lot of fun DIY projects like my pet robot I built. I also am an integral part of a research group creating new water filter technology for use in 3rd world countries. I try to always be involved in something that both uses my select skills while helping people in need at the same time.

I can get super nerdy and enjoy deep intellectual conversations.

What I'm doing with my life
Majoring in physics right now with the intent of eventually going into grad school for astrophysics or particle physics.

Currently hold an IT job.
Favouritest of all the things
Space and science obviously. And not just physics and astronomy. All sciences. That includes many of the social sciences. I love hearing and learning about them all.
As for music I prefer classic rock and industrial music, but there are select songs from other genres I like too. I enjoy movies and tv shows, particularly gritty dramas like Breaking Bad, but also campy shows like Dr. Who. I really enjoy reading science fiction but can enjoy a wide range of genres.
My darkest secret
I sometimes get so worried and worked up about the NASA budget/climate change/ degradation of human knowledge that I can't sleep at night.
  • College

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