

23 / Male / Wichita Falls, TX, United States


My name is Clark and I enjoy a little bit of everything. I'm a big sports fan, basketball and football, all Dallas teams! I've seen just about every movie that exist. Basically movies and sports take all of my time and my sole reason of procrastination which I do a lot ha.

What I'm doing with my life
I'm a junior accounting major, hoping to get an internship next summer, but that's all I have planned so far. I should probably plan more ha.
Favouritest of all the things
Dallas Mavs, Cowboys. Movies. Friends. My Kitty cat. Snapple. Dr. Pepper. Food. Superheroes. Ladies. Food. Netflix. Dogs. Food. I'm not fat i swear!
My darkest secret
It wouldn't be a secret anymore!
  • College

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