

21 / Female / Victoria, TX 77901, United States


Well hello, I'm Hailey. I'm currently a computer tech and a college student with terrible grammer. I am fully involved with my local theatre. I'm a collector of old cameras and comic books( not the popular ones) I'm 21. I'm sure I'll think of more things for this because I'm not even half way on the characters I'm alloted.

What I'm doing with my life
I'm a computer repair tech at the moment but I would much rather day that right now im a thespian( look it up before the chuckles) and a pc gamer.
Favouritest of all the things
Yeah not enough space for them all but probably the original horror genre of film, musical theatre, comic books, and the interwebs.
My darkest secret
Why is this even a thing? Has anyone actually answered this? Now I'm going to find someone who has.

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This will update slightly - ish every 30minutes. What is this?

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