Stay at home mom to a severely autistic boy and wife to a wonderful man. I read constantly, play a multitude of games and enjoy cooking for others. I've done all sorts of things in life and love learning new things. I don't get out much, but I am generally available online constantly, okay except for when I'm reading or cooking.
What I'm doing with my life
Helping my step son grow and overcome his disabilities, trying to take some of the pressure off the mister, cooking and cleaning. Yes I know it isn't the 1950's anymore but I like it. Reading and learning new things constantly, this month it's brushing up on my science and maths. Devouring new books and trying to pinch pennies.
Favouritest of all the things
Books, all types, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Marvel, eating I love food, planning for a new tattoo and driving our el camino.
My darkest secret
I used to be part of a fetish show and in fact still work with them on occasion just taken a hiatus for now.