

25 / Male / London SE5 8QZ, United Kingdom


Actuary living in London. Watch way too much TV. Quiz me - I dare you. Intermittent upvote hunter and self professed pro commenter. Doctor Who fan and perennial gym putter-offer (one day...one day). Aspiring cyclist

What I'm doing with my life
All the things!! Yes, even that.
Favouritest of all the things
Chandler from Friends, that one GIF where Stanley says "...and shove it up your butt!", Phish food Ben and Jerrys, stirring my tea quietly to avoid making some for anyone else, Peep Show references, and at least 3 more things...
My darkest secret
fluidraccoon doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)
  • University

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