

Huge nerd. Ok not a huge nerd...geeky...wait no, not geeky. I like scifi and things like that...is there a specific name for that? Anyway, thanks for reading. Stay classy!

27 / Male / Manchester, United Kingdom


Ah crap, I put this part as my tagline. Now I don't know how to change it, and I'm too afraid to ask.

What I'm doing with my life
Browsing Imgur one gallery at a time.

Seriously, I'll update this bit later jeez.
Favouritest of all the things
I'm a tech-freak. Love comedy and watching Gordon Ramsay shout at people.
My darkest secret
I'm Batman.
  • Single
  • College

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This will update slightly - ish every 30minutes. What is this?

    ezekial2517 has no recent activity