

Trying this out!

24 / Male / Toms River, NJ, United States


Here goes nothing...

I am 24 years old, a college graduate (majored in Mathematics), have a career working for the Dept. of Defense, have my own car and apartment, I have traveled all over the world, I never break promises, and I like to cook. So, I'd say I'm a pretty good catch. But, my past relationships have proven otherwise so far.

Here are some of the basic things i look for in a friend/girlfriend: see if any of these key words sound like you!

Travel, surprises, music, sports, reading, last minute plans, open mind, craziness, spontaneity, going out (but also staying in), sharing, simplicity, respect, casual, work, sense of humor about yourself, awareness, communication

Things i don't necessarily like:
Traffic. come on. Who likes that?!
Watching too much Tv or playing too many video games. I really don't watch much tv, mostly comedy central or on as background noise.
Being too self-conscious. Be brave! Be confident, nothing makes me smile more than when I compliment you and you thank me for it as opposed to telling me im wrong

I'll talk to you more if you message me! Don't be shy

What I'm doing with my life
dvluigi07 apparently isn't doing anything with their life, that's unfortunate.
Favouritest of all the things
dvluigi07 has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
I have a frenum piercing
  • Single
  • College

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