

Speed and passion.

28 / Male / Calgary, AB, Canada


I'm a 20-something Maritime country boy who moved to the Montreal to earn an education and culture myself. Once I became disillusioned with that I moved to Alberta to renew myself and restore some balance to my life.

I'm a man who is honest to a fault, passionate about irrelevant things, who lives life intensely. I am always willing to try something at least once, but if I can't give something my all, I move on to other pursuits.

What I'm doing with my life
I'm a freelance writer by night and a sales lackey by day. I have a degree in History I put to good use selling motorcycle parts. I have an insatiable wanderlust and unrequited sense of adventure, limited only by my daily obligations.
Favouritest of all the things
Cantankerous Italian motorcycles. Coffee. Bacon. Hunter S. Thompson. Peter Egan. Hank Williams (Sr). Justice. Cheesy action movies. Vintage watches. Art. Authenticity. Travel. Beauty in all its forms.
My darkest secret
I've served multi-billionaire captains of industry and I hated it. I used to think money and the trappings of wealth were important, but now I know much better.
  • Single
  • University

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