

24 / Male / Pune, Maharashtra, India


im a 24 year old indian dude, who loves animated movies/t.v shows, comic books, video games and heavy metal.

What I'm doing with my life
working, playing on my pc(pc master-race 4 life yo!), fapping.......sigh so much to do so little time
Favouritest of all the things
i don't have just one thing:
animal: killer whales(orcas),
computer game:bio-shock infinite(so-far), movies:godfather(non-animated)and tie between spirited away and up(animated),
music: metellica!, queen, lordi, the beatles
youtube channel: vsauce,
website: imgur(duh!!),
t.v show: top gear uk(non-animated) and dragonball z(animated),
books:tie between watchmen and old man logan,
imgurian: *not decided yet*
My darkest secret
i have never watched breaking bad or game of thrones(or read the books) and probably never will. (sorry..)
  • Single
  • University

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