

23 / Female / Buda, TX, United States


I'm currently 23 and a college student. I mostly sit around eating snacks, because I'm lazy and enjoy sitting around with my cat and boyfriend... who are both equally lazy. Recently I discovered I'm allergic to almonds and my boobs are bigger than I thought. Also I never plan on having kids... just dogs and cats. Maybe a turtle.

What I'm doing with my life
I'm going to school and majoring in Education. I've been in a steady relationship for the past 5 years so I've got that going for me. I plan to eventually attempt at working out.
Favouritest of all the things
I like amusement parks, comedy, anime/manga, animals, zoos, aquariums, reading, 4 wheeling, rock climbing, laser tag, bowling, video games, eating, sleeping, planning, murder, photography, collecting of vintage items, science, science museums, zip-lining, puzzles, ETC.
My darkest secret
Either my love of yaoi manga, the fact that I was in love with a now dead friend of mine and never told him, or that I was molested by the cousin for 8 years. That or sometimes I like being tied up.... Pick one.

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