

22 / Male / Knoxville, TN, United States


I don't like these boxes that try to get me to sum up who I am in x amount of characters. They're so stressful!! I love movies and television. I fancy myself to be funny. I'm half-Hispanic but don't speak a word of Spanish. I wish pasta/pizza/chimichangas were the ultimate weight loss food. I like to think that I'll become a comedy TV writer. I love to do stuff with video production. (That sounded provocative). I will absolutely watch Avatar: The Last Airbender or Legend of Korra any day of the week. Don't you dare bring up The Last Airbender movie... I want to be a Kung Fu master, but I don't do anything about it. I love to read when I finally get around to doing it. I could watch South Park until it were a medical emergency. I'm free thinking, and I'm not very religious. I'm starting to uh...lose steam here. Erm, I mean, there's so much to my personality I'm the most special snowflake.

What I'm doing with my life
I'm currently in my last semester of undergrad getting a degree in Creative Writing (yay). I am attempting to summon the courage to actually write every day (I suuuuuck). I'm currently craving Chipotle even though I ate some maybe 3 hours ago. I'm a little worried about post-grad life, but I'm sure I'll do fine.
Favouritest of all the things
Lord of the Rings.
Avatar cartoons.
Cyclone Pasta from Outback Steakhouse (they discontinued it. Wahhhh)
I like to go to bookstores, then subsequently feel dumb as shit because I feel like I've only read a couple of books in my life, which isn't true.
I love to go to the movies by myself. A fantastic afternoon, in my opinion, is going to get sushi and to a matinee. I kind of one person who's dyslexic will read that as "My perfect afternoon entails going to get a manatee."

I love hanging out with my mom. She's the coolest until you start talking about politics.
Let's see... What else?
The Office!!! My favorite show.
My darkest secret
My god. I have quite a few dark secrets. I don't have a lot of secrets about me... I'm pretty boring. I'll tell you one, though! When I was 17, I went to my first dance with an actual girlfriend. Had a lovely time, but I was afraid that if I ever went to use the bathroom while at the dance, my girlfriend would think I was disgusting. I held my pee for hours, until I finally could go home. I got into my driveway, and I took one panicked step out of my car. Alas, a torrent of urine came racing down my leg. I had to stand in my driveway in the dark while I peed my pants. Oops!

As for dark secrets, I've had to keep dark secrets about my sister from my parents. She gives me anguish.
  • Single
  • College

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