


19 / Cat / Lakeland, FL, United States


Hiya! I'm just a kid going about my life. There's not much to me. And yes, I look 12 but I promise I'm not.

What I'm doing with my life
As a college student, I spend much of my time crying and avoiding thinking about the intimidating future. I teach group exercise classes currently but want to be a physical therapist when I'm all grown up. I'm always up for an adventure!
Favouritest of all the things
Lots and lots of things! I like cats, books, friends, traveling, photography, working out, volunteering, and nature. I love going camping and backpacking and canoeing. Pretty much anything that gets me adventuring out in the world is fun. My greatest love is dance despite the fact that I'm absolutely terrible at it. I also immensely enjoy peppermint mochas. It's sort of an addiction. Send help.
My darkest secret
Things best left unsaid
  • Single
  • College

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